terça-feira, 5 de novembro de 2013

Almôndegas Suecas

Serves 4–6
For the meatballs

• 1 mão de endro e salsa finamente picadas
• 300g porco picado
• 300g bife picado
• 1 ovo grande
• 100ml leite
• 75g pão ralado
• 1 colher de cha de allspice (pimenta-da-jamaica)
• sal e pimenta preta
• azeite

For the sauce

200ml de caldo de frango ou carne (usei caseiro)
2 colheres de sopa de leite
1 colher de sopa (rasa) de farinha
1 colher de sopa de manteiga

• doce de mirtilo

Set aside a few of the herbs, then put the rest into a large bowl with the pork, beef, egg, milk, breadcrumbs and allspice. (única diferença é a cebola refogada...)
Add a good pinch of salt and pepper, then get your clean hands in there and scrunch and mix it well.
Divide the mixture in half, then pat and roll each half into a sausage shape. Cut each one into 15 equal pieces, then wet your hands and roll 30 little balls.
 Keep wetting your hands as you go so you get nice round elegant meatballs.
Put them on a large oiled tray, then cover with clingfilm and pop into the fridge for 1 hour to firm up.
When you're ready to cook, put your largest pan on a medium heat and add a glug of olive oil.
Once hot, add the meatballs and fry gently for 10 to 15 minutes, tossing occasionally, until they are golden brown.
Transfer the meatballs to a large plate.

Entretanto leve outro tacho ao lume com a manteiga e deixe derreter. Junte depois a farinha e deixe cozinhar um pouco até começar a ganhar cor. Vá acrescentando depois o caldo de frango bem quente, aos poucos e poucos, até obter um molho cremoso e espesso, e por fim junte o leite, mexendo mais um pouco. Reserve.

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